One of the most important treatment methods of Chinese medicine is the Traditional Acupuncture, which is a regulation therapy. Acupuncture is based on the doctrine of the meridians. According to the perception of Traditional Chinese Medicine, “Qi” is flowing in these meridians.

I am choosing acupuncture points using the 5 Chinese diagnostic methods in the assessment of the patient: Asking, listening, looking, smelling and touching.

Pulse and tongue diagnosis are a key part of the Chinese Medicine diagnistic. When needling these points, I influence the “Qi”-circulation in the meridians, which can eliminate “Qi”-congestion (this it what causes pain). With the help of acupuncture, I can soothe a nervous patient, strengthen his/her “Qi”-flow and so help discharge morbid factors (e.g. bacteria) and strengthen the immune system.

Around 360 acupuncture points are located directly on the meridians. However, there are about 1500 more acupuncture points, known as the extra points.

People interested in scientific facts of acupuncture can have a read here. For history interested people, here some historical data about Chinese Medicine.

The basis for Chinese medicine is the principle of Yin and Yang, the theory of the five elements and the teachings of the meridians.
Health is equivalent  to sustaining and preserving the ability to maintain the inner harmony.
Disease is understood as an expression of the imbalance of “Qi”-distribution such as “Qi”-stagnation, between Yin and Yang and the Five Elements.

With the offered treatment methods, I am encouraging and activating the body-system, whereby the self-regulation and healing is activated. Thus, you are able to find your own way back into your individual normal state of health.


Indications for Acupuncture

The main field where I apply acupuncture is in the treatment of chronic, functional and psychosomatic disorders. Among them are also the complaints for which no organic/diagnostic reports are found by Western medicine, the so-called “mood disorders” or indispositions  (e.g. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)). With the syndrome differentiation of Chinese medicine, these symptoms can be explained, classified and treated.

I am also specialized in muscular and skeletal conditions after injury and have special experience with people suffering from pain, people with physical and mental disabilities and people who are addicted to alcohol, nicotine and other drugs. I support my patients in the promotion and maintenance of their health.

I have created my own list of indications for acupuncture, following the below mentioned baselines and my own experience.
The official list of indications for acupuncture can be found here. I have added further indications to the list using the Guidelines for Chinese Medicine [Claudia Focks, Norman Hillenbrand, Urban Fischer Verlag, 5th edition] in combination with my experience.

Acupuncture can also be used as an adjuvant method for severe, malignant diseases in order to reduce the strong side effects that are caused by strong medicine with many side effects, always in consultation with the attending physician. The condition is a diagnostic assessment prior to the treatment.

Here my list of indications for acupuncture.

Further methods

Further Acupuncture relevant methods I am offering in my clinic when indicated: