Client T.

I came home and lay for a good two hours in absolute bliss.
Your work is beautifully renewing.

All the nausea has completely gone so too the pain in my joints.
I feel so much taller and upright – beautifully released.
My hips have movement and I feel my lower back and bottom.
I’m enjoying my teas and the recommended cooling foods.

Appreciation for your wonderful work

Client K.
Hey Jacqui,
just wanted to give you some feedback after last Friday’s treatment.

I had the most amazing sleep that night – slept right through until 5 am and woke feeling fresh and energised. My hip feels better, I can put my shoes on without any tension. A little something is still there in the socket, but overall an amazing improvement. I’m busy next week with a few appointments but would like to reschedule after this if you’ve got something available in the afternoon. Thankyou!!

Client B.
Thanks Jacqueline, am feeling so much better thank you so much. Came home feeling so much better and not just my foot. Can walk on it again now and its 90% better. I think I need to do something about other issues tho and interested to come back more often and see if can get everything
back to normal again.

Client B, practitioner himself:
Hi Jacqueline
Thank you for great treatment yesterday. I slept well pain free.
Thank you Jacqueline for great treatment. I’ve had great sleep and lots les pain in shoulder and nil back pain

Many thanks Jacqueline. Looking forward to the next session – it is very helpful.
Kind regards

Client C.
Hi Jaqueline! Thanks SO much for today – real life saver!

Client E.
Hi Jacqueline,
I am feeling really good actually! Thank you for a wonderful treatment and looking forward to the next one.

Client H.
Hi Jacqueline thanks so much for today my legs feel the best ever since my op. Walking is more comfortable so thanks heaps. 👍😀

Client S.
Feeling great. You’re awesome!

Client E.
Thank you so much for a beautiful treatment today, I felt so much calmer afterwards.

Client H.
Thanks very much for the massage the leg feels much better each time.