Online Audio-Visual Consultation Guidelines (after the ATMS guidlines)
1 The online audio-visual consultation must be conducted in an environment that is sound-proof (e.g. a closed office) to maintain confidentiality.
2.1. Jacqueline must obtain the patient’s informed consent, or the parent’s/guardian’s consent in the case of a patient under the age of 18 years, to obtain, use, disclose, record and transmit information. The consent must be in writing (eg. via email) before undertaking any aspect of the online audio-visual consultation and kept in the patient/client file. In the event of the online audiovisual consultation involving a person under the age of 18 years, a parent/guardian must be present during the entire consultation. The process of obtaining consent enables the person to be informed of their rights regarding information provided.
2.2. Adequate internet connectivity is required to support audio and video quality for consultation purposes.
2.3. The patient will be asked to provide their name, address and date of birth. Confirmation of the identity of the patient/client must be verified to Jacqueline’s satisfaction (e.g. copy of Driver’s Licence) before the online audiovisual consultation is provided.
2.4. Jacqueline will confirm that she has made every effort to protect the patient privacy and have not recorded the online audio–visual consultation unless the patient gives prior consent. If prior consent is granted, the recording/s of the consultations must fulfil the requirements of the Privacy Act.
2.4.1. If a patient requests, the original recordings and all copies are to be returned to the patient/client, or their estate, according to the Privacy Act, or by request.
2.5. Jacqueline will advise patients that they are not authorised to make any recordings of the online audio-video consultation.
2.6. Jacqueline will determine, to the best of her ability and in accordance with her scope of practice, the appropriateness for each patient to receive the online audio-visual consultation prior to the first consultation and subsequent consultations. In the event of a change in the appropriateness of the online audiovisual consultation, a face-to-face consultation should be organised for further evaluation with the primary care practitioner or another practitioner if required.
2.9. The following should be discussed or identified with the patient prior to the initial online audio-visual consultation and subsequent consultations:
-The name, profession and organisation/location of all participants in the online audio-visual consultation.
-The only parties present during the audio-visual consultation will be the patient, any support person nominated by the patient/client and the practitioner.
-The process of the online audio-visual consultation.
-Acknowledgement that in the unlikely event that the patient does not wish to continue with the online audio-visual consultation they can end the session, but that consultation fees may still apply
-Contingency plans should technology fail or be insufficient during the online audio-visual consultation.