Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0400 90 88 90

For SAME DAY BOOKINGS please contact me directly on
0400 90 88 90 (call or text).

An appointment usually involves:

  • An initial interview followed by diagnostic techniques,
  • A massage and/or an acupuncture treatment
  • Plus any other therapies listed here according to the patient’s need.

Treatment costs:

1 hour: $95 (weekend/home visit rate $120)
1 1/2 hours: $140 (weekend/home visit rate $165)
2 hours: $170 (weekend/home visit rate $200)

Patients will have to fill in a patient form prior to first appointment, or the first appointment will be 1 1/2 hours ($130) if both parties agree on doing an initial interview together instead of the patient form.

I will stay with my patients for the duration of the appointment.